Sunday, 4 October 2015





(Q). As-salaam Alaikum - My name is Bilal Lala, and I am a revert - By profession, I happen to be a lecturer in computers. There is one question which has baffled me over the years, and that question is - Why does Islam permit a Muslim man, to marry woman of his choice, from Ahle Kitab… may be Jews or Christians, and the vice-versa is not permitted. Are the Muslim ladies, not Mushriks - Can you clarify?

(Dr. Zakir) Brother Bilal has asked the question, that Qur’an permits a Muslim man to marry a lady from the Ahle Kitab, but the vice-versa is not true - and he is correct. It is mentioned in Surah Mahida, Ch. No. 5, Verse No. 5, that... ‘On this day, it has been made lawful for you, all that is good and pure’. ‘The food of the people of the Book, has been made lawful for you - and your food has been made lawful for them’. And also besides… the women who are believers, even the women of the Ahlekitab, who are chaste, have been made lawful for you. Islam gives permission for a Muslim man, to marry a woman from the Ahle Kitab - why? Because, when a Christian or a Jewish lady, when she marries a Muslim man - after she marries… the family of the husband, will not abuse or insult any of her Proph­ets - because in Islam, we believe in all the Prophets of the Jews and the Christians - what Prophets they believe in, we believe in. We both believe in Adam, in Noah, in David, in Moosa, in Isaa (May peace be upon them all). Because we believe in all of their Prophets… the lady, when she enters a Muslim family, she will not be ridiculed. But the vice-versa - if a Muslim lady goes to a family of a Christian or a Jew… but natural, they do not believe in Prophet Muhammed (May peace be upon him), and she will be ridiculed. That is why, Islam gives permission for a Muslim man, to marry a girl from the Ahle Kitab, but the vice-versa is not true. Coming to the second part of the question that - are not these Muslim women,

Mushriks?’ Brother is referring to an Ayat of the Qur’an Shareef, of Surah Baqrah, Ch. No.2, Verse No. 221, which say that... ‘Do not marry unbelieving women until they believe - even a slave woman who is a believer, is better than a unbelieving woman, even if she allures you’. Means, even if the Queen of England… let her be the wealthiest lady, let the lady be the most beautiful in the world, still… a Zhaduwali, a slave woman, who is a believer, is much better than the best lady of the world… if she is an unbeliever. And the Verse continues… ‘Do not marry your daughters to the unbelieving man, until he believes, for a slave man who is a believer, is better than an unbeliever, even if he allures you’. Another Verse in the Qur’an tells you from Surah Maidah… (Arabic)… Ch. No. 5, Verse No. 72, it says that...

‘They are blaspheming, they are doing Kufr, those who say Jesus is, Christ the son of Mary, those who say Allah is Christ the son of Mary’. (Arabic)... But said Christ… (Arabic)… O children of Israel… (Arabic)… Worship Allah. (Arabic)…

Who is my Lord, and your Lord… (Arabic.)… And any one who associates partners with Allah… (Arabic)… Allah will make Jannat, haram for him (Arabic)… And for him, he shall have no helpers, and fire shall be his dwelling place. From this Verse, we come to know, that all those who say… ‘Allah is Christ’, those who are saying… ‘Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), is God’…they are doing ‘Kufar’. And one Verse of the Qur’an, says... ‘You are allowed to marry these Kafirs.’ You will think, the Qur’an is contradicting itself - but as I told you, analyse the Qur’an, as a whole. There is one more Verse in the Qur’an, in Surah Imran, Ch. No. 3, Verse No. 110, which says... (Arabic)…

‘O ye are the best of the people evolved for mankind’ (Arabic)… ‘Evolved for mankind, and enjoining what is good, and forbidding what is bad’. (Arabic)… And believing in Allah… (Arabic)… It would have been better if the people of the book had faith… (Arabic)… Among them there are some who are ‘Momin’. Among the Ahle Kitab there some who are believers but the majority are perverted transgressors.

So Qur’an says... ‘You are allowed to marry the women from the Ahle Kitab, who are believers, who are Momins - who do not believe that… Jesus Christ (May peace be upon him), is God, or son of God - but who believe, that Jesus (May peace be upon him), is a messenger of God, and they be­lieve in only one God.

Hope that answers the question.

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