A) The reason for conveying only the verified information and
not the doubtful one
B) Difference between the Salah of men and women; Importance
of Salah and How to make wudu
C) Enlisting Videos showing the brief as well as detailed
procedure and posture for salah (all 5 prayers)
D) Describing the procedure to pray along with postures step
by step in the written form
Step #1 : Intention (Niyah) and
its ruling
Step #2 : Facing the Qiblah &
Arranging the rows perfectly
§ Prohibition of facing graves or any direction apart from
the Qiblah
§ The ruling of giving the Adhan and the Iqamah while
praying alone or in Jamaat
§ The
ruling describing how rows are to be formed while praying with 2 or more
§ Prayer in congregation (Jamaat) can be offered for Fardh
as well as Nafil Salah
§ In a Jamaat ,the female (young or old) must stand behind
the male (young or old)
#3 : Starting the prayer by
raising one's hands and saying Allahu Akbar (Takbeer at- Tahreema)
§ the level
till where on should raise his hands
§ The Position of the fingers while raising the hands
§ Where
must one look at during his prayer
#4 : Placing the hands on the
chest during salah (men and women)
#5: What to recite after takbeer e
tehreema and before Al fatiha (i.e Dua'a ul Istiftah)
§ The
ruling of reciting the Quran in a beautiful voice or tone
#6: Instructions during the
recitation of Al Fatiha
§ Ruling describing the compulsion of reciting the Fatiha in
all prayers
§ Ruling describing that even the Muqtadi should recite the
Fatiha in all prayers
#7: To say Aameen after the recitation
of Al fatiha (in every prayer)
§ Ruling of saying Aameen loudly in the Loud prayers
§ Ruling of saying Aameen softly in the silent prayers
#8 : The recitation of a soorah
after Al Fatiha
§ Permissibility of reciting Bismillahir rehmaanir raheem
before the Qira'at
§ Ruling for recital of a soorah by the Muqtadi (loud and
silent prayers)
#9: Going to Rukoo (Bowing)
§ The importance and confirmation of establishing the
§ Refute against the negating of rafayaden
§ Importance of keeping the back straight during rukoo
§ Ruling of reciting verses from the Quran during Rukoo
#10: Getting up from Rukoo
§ The ruling if tying (folding) our hands after getting up
from rukoo is permissible or not
#11: Going to and getting up from
Sujood (Sajdah)
§ Ruling of reciting verses from the Quran during Sujood
§ The
sunnah method to sit between two sujood and the Duas to be recited between them
§ Description of going for the second sujood
§ Completing one raka'at (unit) of the salah
#12 : Continuing after the first
raka'at to proceed to the second raka'at
§ completing 2 rak'at and sitting for the first
#13 : Sitting for tashahud after
completing the 2 rak'ah
§ The Sunna to sit during this Tashahud § Placing the hands on the knees § The
Position and ruling of the Index Finger § Looking
at the index finger during tashahud is a Sunnah § The
Dua'a of Tashahud, its ruling and supplication
#14 : Getting up for the 3rd
raka'at after the 1st tashahud
§ Completing a 3 raka'at prayer
#15: Completing a 4 raka't prayer
§ Image summary of all the postures
§ Ruling on how to correct a mistake made in salah
§ Description of the Isha'a Witr prayer
Assalamualikum. I am
aware of the different Madhabs (Maslaks) and their differing views regarding
the posture in Salah, or regarding the difference of Opinion between scholars
on certain aspects regarding the rules and regulations of salah. However, I am
not compiling this document here to proof someone wrong, or to criticize
someone or some sect. I am only compiling a document wherein every method
starting from Wudhu onwards until the tasleem (salaam on both sides) is taken from
sahih proven ahadith. there is no da'eef hadith or the sayings of a scholar
included in this document. every step, every method and evey explanation is
derived from the commands of Allah, his messenger (s.a.w) and his companions
(r.a.a) . I only intend to convey the method which has been proven through the
knights of islam (i.e muhaditheen) , scholars and fuqaha. If someone has any
doubts regarding the methods and posture they can either comment under this
document or contact me personally and if i have errd or made a mistake then may
Allah have mercy on the one who corrects me for All good is from Allah and all the mistakes are mine
A) The reason for conveying only the verified information
Nu'man b. Bashir (r.a) reported: I heard
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as having said: What is lawful is
evident and what is unlawful is evident, and in between them are the things
doubtful which many people do not know. So he who guards against doubtful
things has saved his religion and his honor, and he who indulges in doubtful
things has sinned
[Ref: Sahih Muslim, Book 10, Hadith 3882]
See the warnings of sharing inauthentic information attributed to allah and his
messenger and deen
B) This
Document will enlist the prayer method in a very short or brief manner. For
detailed methods along with several duas permissible at different stages and
etc Please refer to other Books.
Please note that the below mentioned steps and methods of salah posture are
applicable for both men and women. There is no difference in postures (only)
between men and women and you may click on the below link to read about this in
STEP # 1 ==> INTENTION (Niyah)
(1) Narrated
'Umar bin Al-Khattab: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "The reward of deeds
depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to
what he has intended.
[Ref: Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1 Book #1, Hadith #1]
[Ref: Sahih Bukhari,Volume 1 Book #2, Hadith #51]
[Ref: Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3 Book #46, Hadith #706]
[Ref: Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5 Book #58, Hadith #238]
(1.1) It was narrated that 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, may Allah be
pleased with him, said that the Messenger of Allah said:"Actions are but
by intentions, and each man will have but that which he intended
[Ref: Sunan Al Nasai Vol. 4, Book 27, Hadith 3467]
(1.2) The Niyat
to pray Salah, should be within one's heart or mind only. There is not a single
Hadith or even an Athar (teaching of a sahabi) which shows that either the
Prophet (s.a.w) or the best of Muslims to have ever lived - his companions
(r.a.a) ever, in their entire life uttered their Niyat (to pray) VERBALLY in
words (either loudly or softly). The sahabas went to different countries
wherein they found people belonging to different caste, culture and
languages who came to them ( the companions r.a.a) to learn Islam (which
included prayer). The sahabaas never taught anyone to make their niyat
(intention) verbally in any language. So how can we do something which the
Prophet (s.a.w) or his companions never did in Islam? We are neither better
than them, nor are our scholars of today or past (All combined) better than
them in understanding Islam,
On the contrary the Prophet (s.a.w) said:
“The key to prayer is purification; its beginning is Takbeer and its end is Tasleem”
[Sunan Abu Dawood (61, 618), al-Tirmidhee (3, 238), Ibn Maajah (275, 276) on
the authority of `Alee bin Abu Taalib, Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree رضي الله عنهما and graded as “Saheeh” by
Shaikh al-Albaanee]
And elsewhere the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) said, in the hadeeth about the one who prayed badly: “Then turn
towards the qiblah and say Allahu akbar.”
[Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6667]
Thus as we read , we see that the guidance (teaching) of the
prophet (s.a.w) in regards to one commencing his prayer is to face the Qiblah
and say "Allahu-Akbar (takbeer)" . He (s.a.w) did not mention verbal
utterance of niyah in arabic let alone in Hindi/Urdu/Bangla/etc. Hence this
action of doing a
verbal niyat (either loudly or softly ) is not
proven from the prophet (s.a.w) or his companions and is an innovation (Bid'at)
in Islam and there are numerous hadiths warning against any Innovation in
Islam. Out of many, I'l Post 2 of them below :
(i) Narrated Aisha:Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody innovates
something which is not in harmony (accordance) with the principles of our
religion (Mine and my sahabas), that thing is rejected."
[Ref: Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book 49, Hadith 861]
(ii) On the Authority of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (r.a) : The prophet
(s.a.w) said " If anyone introduces an innovation, he will be responsible
for it. If anyone introduces an innovation or gives shelter to a man who
introduces an innovation (in religion), he is cursed by Allah, by His angels,
and by all the people